Monday, 6 January 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio Can Make Even '90s Suits Look Good In 'The Wolf Of Wall Street'

But in his new movie, "The Wolf of Wall Street," Leo reminds us what '90s fashion looked like for the men. Thankfully, those shell necklaces and overalls don't make an appearance. In the Scorsese flick, DiCaprio plays a power-hungry and hardworking stockbroker new to Wall Street, and he's dressed in multiple oversized and conservative suits paired with the loud, wide ties of the era.As the movie progresses and Leo's character develops into a successful but corrupt finance guy, his wardrobe evolves into structured, pinstripe suits. And in one particular scene,I certainly did not have Spiderman Costumes even a slightest idea of what was coming. Leo appears in an unbuttoned Ralph Lauren polo shirt. And that pretty much takes the '90s fashion cake.Moral of the story: Leo can pretty much pull off anything. Even bad '90s fashion. Swoon over his evolution of swagger throughout the movie... we're drooling. 

The yellow taxi industry that reviles Michael Bloomberg and his taxi commissioner, David Yassky, hit them with two more lawsuits on their last two days in office.The first one, filed on December 30 in Brooklyn by the Greater New York Taxi Association, the trade group that represents nearly a fifth of all corporate taxi medallions, and a wheelchair user named Jeffrey Grobman, accuses the Bloomberg administration of making "broken promises to its disabled citizens, especially those who reside in the City's outer boroughs."The thrust of the suit concerns the borough taxi program, which the Bloomberg administration started implementing over the vehement opposition of the Greater New York Taxi Association, which is backed by major medallion owner Evgeny Freidman. 

If Mayor Bill de Blasio allows it to continue and that's no sure thing, it will ultimately create a fleet of 18,000 green cabs in the outer boroughs and upper Manhattan, where regular yellow taxis are scarce.According to the borough taxi law, a fifth of all green cabs must be wheelchair accessible. The city has issued 6,000 licenses so far, and a fifth of them have, in turn,See where you're doing well and use that information to help you with your next project Cheap corsets so that you know what to focus on first. been set aside for wheelchair-accessible vehicles.Over three quarters of decision-maker respondents are now using video conferencing at work with 56 per cent of video users taking part in Cosplay Costumes calls at least once a week.The litigants' first issue is that the wheelchair-accessible vehicles are taking a long time to hit the road the accessible licensees technically have 180 days to start driving.

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