Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Ben Ephson dares Awuku

Renowned Pollster Ben Ephson wants Sammy Awuku, Deputy Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party, to prove to Ghanaians which part of the leaked tape purported to contain his voice has been doctored. 

An alleged tape recording of the voice of the NPP Deputy Communicator went viral in the media as he was allegedly caught divulging some confidential messages to the members of the party branch in the United Kingdom. 

On the alleged leaked tape, Sammy Awuku was quoted to have said that aside the President of the Judges of the Supreme Court sitting on the pending election case, Justice William Atuguba, the eight other members are in support of the NPP, hence asserting that the verdict would be 8-1 in favour of the petitioners.He was also heard allegedly making remarks about some leading party folks.But following the report,Metal Repair Aluminum foil tape Products is also excellent for metal. Sammy Awuku issued a statement denying the allegations leveled against him. 

"I state very emphatically that the said tape and whatever by-products arising are totally fabricated and doctored and that I have never made the kinds of statements contained in the said tape anywhere. I know absolutely nothing about it, and I would entreat the general public and the media to treat the supposed tape with the contempt it deserves." He said in his statement 

He also cautioned the media not to continue reports about the said tape, because "should any media house disregard this call and seek to join this adventure meant to tarnish my image through this very disingenuous way," he "would have no choice than to head to the law courts, as a citizen of this country, to defend my rights to a good name and have such media houses penalized in whatever way the courts would deem proper. I have, therefore, instructed my lawyers to take judicial notice of any such publication and media houses that joins in this smear campaign. 

However, Ben Ephson is of the opinion that if Sammy Awuku claims the tape has been doctored to debase him, then it behooves him to make the nation privy to the information that has been removed from the tape in order to make his claims meaningful. 
If somebody says that a tape is doctored, he should listen to whatever is out there and tell us what theyve taken out or what theyve put in his mouthif it has been doctored, then he should tell what has been taken out to make his tape unintelligent or meaningless, he said in an interview with Radio Gold. 

UnitingCare Australia, the welfare arm of the Uniting Church,Our offered BOPP Tapes are in compliance with the BOPP tape Products. has released a report claiming the new charity regulator, the ACNC is adding another level of bureaucracy to an already burdened Not for Profit sector. 

The Australian Charities and Not for profits Commission (ACNC) was set up in December 2012 with one of its tasks to promote the reduction of unnecessary regulatory obligations on the NFP sector. The UnitingCare document is endorsed by its National Director, Lin Hatfield Dodds, one of Australia's leading social justice advocates. 

Organisations registered with the ACNC must complete a mandatory Annual Information Statement (AIS). The ACNC will use the reports to assess compliance and to populate a searchable public register and,Online supplies a large range of double sided tape. in future, populate an electronic Charity Passport - to be used to share information on registered charities with authorised government agencies, Lin Hatfield Dodds said. 
ACNC Commissioner Susan Pascoe has estimated that it will take NFP organisations between 10 and 45 minutes to complete the ACNCs 2013 Annual Information Statement. 
The AIS is designed to help reduce the need for NFP organisations to report to various different government departments and agencies over time, however at the moment the AIS is an additional requirement, Hatfield Dodds said. 

Based on the Commissioners 45 minute estimate it will take the 57,500 organisations registered with the ACNC a total of 43,125 hours to complete the AIS. That is the equivalent of a years work for nearly 25 full-time employees to meet this obligation. 

Our analysis of the 2013 AIS is that the majority of the information it requests has already been provided to government by the majority organisations registered with the ACNC. The cost to the sector of this duplication of effort is significant and critically many organisations can only meet the requirement by taking resources away from frontline service delivery. 

It is our experience that the ACNC has created an initial additional layer of reporting which could have been avoided. Much of the information required in the AIS and future financial reports has already been provided to government, often several times in different formats, to evidence operational and financial compliance. 

Whilst the ACNC continues its work to develop the mechanism of the Charity Passport to share the information it collects on registered charities it is simultaneously asking for duplicative reporting from the sector. 

A significant opportunity for the ACNC to reduce red tape from the beginning of its operations has been missed and the cost of doing so has fallen to the sector, Hatfield Dodds said. 

We believe that rather than ask registered organisations to provide and reconfigure information again for the ACNC it would have been prudent for the ACNC to first identify if they might use information already collected by governments and other regulators. 

The Liberal Coalition has said it would abolish the ACNC if it gains office at the Federal Election. Liberal Opposition Spokesman, Kevin Andrews said told the Not for Profit forum at the National Press Club that he would replace the charity regulator with a Centre for Excellence. 
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